
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I passed the first weekly test!

Every day in class we have a short quiz going over what we learned the day before and I've done great so far. Today was the first 100 question weekly test and I passed!!! I got 98 questions right and the extra credit ones right so I got a 100%!!! I'm so proud of myself!
I'm really learning a lot, but there's still so much more to learn. Tonight I get to study infection spreading and control. I hope I get it! I'm having a bit of trouble with the chapter on communicating so I plan to work on that as well. Plus I still need to do more spelling. I finally feel like I'm getting that part down though. In a few short weeks I'll be doing clinicals and I can't wait!
Cute little ants are hard workers too!


  1. congrats and kudos to you and everybody in the health care sector! People don't appreciate you folks enough, so I simply felt like showing some appreciation.
